Outgrowing their previous premises, the University of York decided to relocate their management school to a building which is adequately designed to accommodate the growing body of management students. The design is focused on using a sustainable approach by reusing items and sourcing pre-owned furniture where possible!
Working in partnership with our sister company, JLS, we were able to create a modern, flexible working environment by bringing the outdoors in!
The Problem
With bespoke teaching and learning spaces for the management school staff and students, great acoustics are required so that everyone remains well-heard and there are no issues of high reverberation when faculty members are trying to teach.
As is the case with any University building, the likelihood of being the host of various tours of prospective students is high, so an attractive atrium and learning spaces is important in enticing students to enroll.
Our Solution
We combined acoustics with aesthetics with Plant Plan’s reindeer moss! Plants are proven to improve the environment by absorbing toxins from the air and emitting oxygen. They are also proven to improve productivity as well health and wellbeing! Plant Plan’s reindeer moss is a Class A sound absorber, so we can be sure that the University of York are getting the best possible acoustic treatment for their faculty members and students.
By installing 110m2 of Plant Plan reindeer moss, we created an attractive atrium and feature walls throughout the building. As soon as you enter the building, you are met with a beautiful moss installation, which will be completed with the University of York’s logo incorporated in the moss.
Moss is a great solution for busy spaces as it requires no light, water or feeding meaning it’s maintenance free!
The Result
An attractive and welcoming building with bespoke teaching and learning spaces, which is ready to be used by students and faculty members in the upcoming academic year.